How do I use SSH Keys (created from cPanel) to connect to the server? And eventually pull a fresh copy and run composer updates and database migrations (a Symfony script)
I get permission denied errors so my ssh ls -l /
is reaching the server, I'm just unsure how to use keys made from cPanel to make an authentication.
# This is an example Starter pipeline configuration
# Use a skeleton to build, test and deploy using manual and parallel steps
# -----
# You can specify a custom docker image from Docker Hub as your build environment.
image: atlassian/default-image:2
- parallel:
- step:
name: 'Build and Test'
- echo "Your build and test goes here..."
- step:
name: 'Lint'
- echo "Your linting goes here..."
- step:
name: 'Security scan'
- echo "Your security scan goes here..."
# The following deployment steps will be executed for each pipeline run. To configure your steps and conditionally deploy see
- step:
name: 'Deployment to Staging'
deployment: staging
- echo "Your deployment to staging script goes here..."
- echo $TESTVAR
- ssh ls -l /
- step:
name: 'Deployment to Production'
deployment: production
trigger: 'manual'
- echo "Your deployment to production script goes here..."
I think your SSL set-up may be incorrect. Please try the following to ensure both servers trust each other:
==Part 1==
Step 1. SSH into cPanel server (use PuTTY or your preferred SSH client), and run the following commands to generate a new key:
eval $(ssh-agent)
cat ~/.ssh/
Step 2. Copy the resulting key from the 'cat' command above, into: Bitbucket -> your repo -> Settings -> Access keys
==Part 2==
Step 3. In Bitbucket, go to your repo -> settings -> SSH keys -> Generate key
Step 4. Back on your cPanel server's SSH connection, copy the key from Step 3 above into the authorized keys file. Save when you are done:
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Right click to paste (usually) CNRL+O to save CNRL+X to exit
Step 5. In the same Bitbucket screen from Step 3, fetch and add host's fingerprint. You will need to enter the URL or IP address of your cPanel server here. Some cPanels servers use non-default ports. If port 22 is not the correct port, be sure to specify like so:
(Port 443 is usually reserved for HTTPS and it is unlikely the correct port for an SSH connection. If in doubt, try the default 22 and common alternative 2200 ports first.)
Let me know if you have any questions and I am happy to assist you further.