I would like to set different offsets of linkTemplate depending of the nodetemplate type.
Actually I have only one linkTemplate
dia.linkTemplate =
// { routing: go.Link.AvoidsNodes }, // link route should avoid nodes
$(go.Shape, { stroke: 'gray', height: 12 }),
$(go.TextBlock, 'fiber_manual_record', { font: '20pt Material Icons', stroke: 'gray' },
segmentIndex: 0, segmentOffset: new go.Point(-9, 8),
segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong
$(go.TextBlock, 'fiber_manual_record', { font: '15pt Material Icons', stroke: 'gray' },
segmentIndex: -1, segmentOffset: new go.Point(-1, 8),
segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong
but I have two nodeTemplateMap every one have a different shape.
My problem is that links don't starts on the same level depending on which node is used.
You can add a Binding to your link template that determines the Link.fromShortLength or Link.toShortLength depending on the kind of node it is. Something like:
new go.Binding("fromShortLength", "fromNode",
node => node.category === "A" ? 10 : 20),
. . .
Obviously you need to decide how to use the node to determine the value of Link.fromShortLength to use.