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Is there a way to have two docs in Docusaurus 2?

As I know, Docusaurus supports customized pages, but is there a way to have two docs in one Docusaurus project?

The original Navbar items have:

  • Docs
  • Blog
  • ...

I want to have something like this:

  • Docs 1
  • Docs 2
  • Blog
  • ...

I know I can make many subfolders just in one doc, but for some reason, I want a two Docs structure, which gives me a cleaner way to access docs.

If Docusaurus cannot offer this feature currently, I want to ask is there other documentation frameworks offer this feature?


  • You need to use the plugin-content-docs.

    First, create the other docs folder, like docs, docs-api, docs-system.

    (1) In your docusaurus.config.js file, configure your "default" docs:

    (module.exports = { // start of the module.export declaration
        presets: [
                docs: {
                  routeBasePath: 'docs',
                  path: 'docs',
                  sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
                  lastVersion: 'current',
                  onlyIncludeVersions: ['current'],
                theme: {
                  customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),
    }); // end of the module-export declaration

    (2) Now, the magic!: in the same file, configure your other documents:

    (module.exports = { // start of the module.export declaration
    plugins: [
            id: 'docs-api',
            path: 'docs-api',
            routeBasePath: 'docs-api',
            sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
            id: 'docs-system',
            path: 'docs-system',
            routeBasePath: 'docs-system',
            sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
    }); // end of the module-export declaration

    (3) Now you probably want these documents in your NavBar, right? So add then!

    (module.exports = { // start of the module.export declaration
    navbar: {
      hideOnScroll: true,
      title: 'your title',
      logo: {
        alt: '',
        src: 'img/favicon.ico',
      items: [
          to: '/docs/Intro',    // ./docs/
          label: 'Docs Title',
          position: 'left',
          activeBaseRegex: `/docs/`,
          to: '/docs-api/Intro',    // ./docs-api/
          label: 'API',
          position: 'left',
          activeBaseRegex: `/docs-api/`,
          to: '/docs-system/Introducao',  // ./docs-system/
          label: 'My System',
          position: 'left',
          activeBaseRegex: `/docs-system/`,
    }); // end of the module-export declaration


    Sometimes you will modify your docusaurus.config.js and will not "work", so close the docusaurus service (just Ctrl+C in your terminal/power shell) and restart it -- I could have saved a few hours if a had known this before.

    If you don't have the plugin-content-docs plugin, just install it:

    npm install --save @docusaurus/plugin-content-docs


    I had a hard time figuring this out. What I did was download the whole docusaurus project, get the website part, trim everything that I did not need and this is what I got.

    REFERENCES (Update 2022/03/02)