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Copying excel sheets to a new file and hiding them

I am trying to copy some sheets to a new file using excel VBA, and i need to hide some sheets (e.g. input sheet, "Market PnLs (Market Place)", "Markets Graph (Market Place)") I have written a VBA to copy the sheets but i do now know how to hide the above sheets in the new file, Can anyone help me with the codes please?

Sub split_online()
Dim onlinepath As Range
Set onlinepath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Input").Range("G33")
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Array("P&L Metrics (Ecomm- Global)", "Market PnLs (Online)", _
        "Markets Graph (Online)", "Market Totals (Online)", "GC(Online)", "Apac(Online)", _
        "EMEA (Online)", "AM(Online)", "P&L vs LE (Online)", "P&L vs PY (Online)", _
        "Market PnLs (Market Place)", "Markets Graph (Market Place)", _
        "Market Totals (Market Place)", "GC(Market Place)", "Apac (Market Place)", _
        "EMEA (Market Place)", "AM (Market Place)", "P&L vs LE (Market Place)", _
        "P&L vs PY (Market Place)", "Input", "Input"))
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & onlinepath, FileFormat:=51
End With
End Sub


  • Create a new workbook and then copy the sheets there. Finally hide the relevant sheets.

    Is this what you are trying? (UNTESTED)

    Option Explicit
    Sub split_online()
        Dim onlinepath As Range
        Dim wbThis As Workbook
        Dim wbThat As Workbook
        Set wbThis = ThisWorkbook
        Set onlinepath = wbThis.Sheets("Input").Range("G33")
        '~~> Create a new workbook
        Set wbThat = Workbooks.Add
        '~~> Copy the relevant sheets to new workbook
        wbThis.Sheets(Array("P&L Metrics (Ecomm- Global)", "Market PnLs (Online)", _
                      "Markets Graph (Online)", "Market Totals (Online)", "GC(Online)", "Apac(Online)", _
                      "EMEA (Online)", "AM(Online)", "P&L vs LE (Online)", "P&L vs PY (Online)", _
                      "Market PnLs (Market Place)", "Markets Graph (Market Place)", _
                      "Market Totals (Market Place)", "GC(Market Place)", "Apac (Market Place)", _
                      "EMEA (Market Place)", "AM (Market Place)", "P&L vs LE (Market Place)", _
                      "P&L vs PY (Market Place)", "Input")).Copy Before:=wbThat.Sheets(1)
        With wbThat
            '~~> Hide relevant sheets
            .Sheets(Array("Market PnLs (Market Place)", "Markets Graph (Market Place)")).Visible = False
            .SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & onlinepath, FileFormat:=51
        End With
    End Sub

    If you do not want the default sheet which was created with Workbooks.add then you can try this as well.

    Option Explicit
    Sub split_online()
        Dim onlinepath As Range
        Dim wbThis As Workbook
        Dim wbThat As Workbook
        Dim shtCount As Long, i As Long
        Dim shtToDelete As String
        Set wbThis = ThisWorkbook
        Set onlinepath = wbThis.Sheets("Input").Range("G33")
        '~~> Create a new workbook
        Set wbThat = Workbooks.Add
        shtCount = wbThat.Sheets.Count
        '~~> Delete sheet(s) created by default.
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        On Error Resume Next
        For i = wbThat.Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
        Next i
        On Error GoTo 0
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        '~~> Get the name of the sole sheet in the new workbook
        shtToDelete = wbThat.Sheets(1).Name
        '~~> Copy the relevant sheets to new workbook
        wbThis.Sheets(Array("P&L Metrics (Ecomm- Global)", "Market PnLs (Online)", _
                  "Markets Graph (Online)", "Market Totals (Online)", "GC(Online)", "Apac(Online)", _
                  "EMEA (Online)", "AM(Online)", "P&L vs LE (Online)", "P&L vs PY (Online)", _
                  "Market PnLs (Market Place)", "Markets Graph (Market Place)", _
                  "Market Totals (Market Place)", "GC(Market Place)", "Apac (Market Place)", _
                  "EMEA (Market Place)", "AM (Market Place)", "P&L vs LE (Market Place)", _
                  "P&L vs PY (Market Place)", "Input")).Copy Before:=wbThat.Sheets(1)
        With wbThat
            '~~> Delete the default sheet
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            '~~> Hide relevant sheets
            .Sheets(Array("Market PnLs (Market Place)", "Markets Graph (Market Place)")).Visible = False
            .SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & onlinepath, FileFormat:=51
        End With
    End Sub