I have a spreadsheet where people insert information daily in one row.
One row is a day and has several columns to fill.
We have a lot of data, so they have to scroll far-down.
I want to keep the old data and have the new row inserted on top automatically.
They might forget to insert some days so the new row should be the next date, it doesn't have to be today.
I don't mind using xlwings or VBA. That is why I wrote the question here. But the simplest option is prefered.
Based on guesses and assumptions this could work.
I assume this is column A we see and that it's formatted as date.
If the dates is descending then this will look at the A1 value and loop until todays date and insert new rows and dates in each loop.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("YourSheetName")
latest = CLng(ws.Range("A1").Value)
While latest < CLng(Now())
latest = latest + 1
ws.Range("A1").Value = latest
End Sub