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apply ltac to subexpression of a goal

Here is a short example of what I am trying to do.

Let's say I have a relation

Inductive divisible: nat -> nat -> Type := 
| one : forall n, divisible n 1.

I have also the following ltac Ltac simplify := autorewrite with blah

I would like to define a ltac which does simplify to only the first term in a 'divisible' goal. Something like

Ltac simplify_fst :=
  match goal with |- (divisible ?N ?M) =>
autorewrite with subst1 in N

When I try out the above in the following,

Lemma silly: forall n m, divisible (n + m) 1.
  intros. simplify_fst.

I get a

Ltac call to "simplify_fst" failed.
Ltac variable N is bound to n + m which cannot be
coerced to a variable.

Can applying ltacs (even simple ones involving only autounfold and autorewrite) be restricted to a subexpression of the goal?

Thank you.


  • In your case, remember may be useful:

    Ltac simplify_fst :=
      match goal with |- (divisible ?N ?M) =>
        let x := fresh "x" in
        let Hx := fresh "Hx" in
        remember N as x eqn:Hx;
        autorewrite with subst1 in Hx;
        subst x