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Compiler error on including a file that it is there

I'm having an issue trying to make Assimp work in an engine I'm doing. I'm trying to add it as a submodule and build it with premake, and I managed to properly include it as a project in the solution, but I'm having an error that I cannot understand.

The error is that some files in assimp are giving me a "cannot include file" error, which is weird because the file it is there, the next image shows it:

enter image description here

I checked the working directory of the project and it is in 'vendor/Assimp' (check the image), so it should be able to include the file. I'm assuming it must be something on the include directories, but I can't manage to find specifically what it is... Does somebody have any clue? Thanks!

The specific errors I'm having in this case is the next:

Error (active)  E1696   cannot open source file "contrib/zip/src/zip.h" Assimp  C:\Users\lucho.suaya\Documents\GitHub\Kaimos\KaimosEngine\vendor\Assimp\code\3MF\D3MFExporter.cpp   61

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C1083   Cannot open include file: 'contrib/zip/src/zip.h': No such file or directory    Assimp  C:\Users\lucho.suaya\Documents\GitHub\Kaimos\KaimosEngine\vendor\Assimp\code\3MF\D3MFExporter.cpp   61  

And the include directories I'm adding in the premake file of the Assimp project are the next ones:


Then I have another premake file for the engine project in which i wrote the next (regarding assimp):

IncludeDir["Assimp"] = "%{wks.location}/KaimosEngine/vendor/Assimp/include"
include "KaimosEngine/vendor/Assimp"   -- Includes Assimp Premake File

includedirs { "%{IncludeDir.Assimp}" }
links { "Assimp" }


  • The issue was solved by including in the project many files I didn't include