Inspired by this question.
Usually the reason to make copy-constructor and assignment operator private
is to make the class non-copyable so that objects can only be created and destroyed, but not copied - most of the times it is because copying them would make no sense. In such cases the copy constructor and the assignment operator are both made private
and not implemented - if the class is not copyable then noone should copy.
Is there a case when copy constructor and assignment operator need to be private
and have meaningful implementation at the same time?
There are two cases that come to mind immediately:
Say that, as part of your design, you have two highly coupled classes where one needs to be able to copy the other (say, as in a factory model or some such), but you don't want to let the whole world be able to copy it.
Say you want to be able to conditionally clone some element, depending on some internal behavior (e.g., depending on some class-stateful condition) - the cleanest way, from a language perspective - is still to separate the copying into its own function. This would allow for good separation of concerns.