Suppose I have this code in my component.tsx file. Is there a possibility to check the tag name on which a paricular test id is present ?
<h1 data-testid="page-header">
<Link data-testid="about-page-link" to="/about">
Go to about
I have the following code to get the element by test id in my test file.
const headerElement = screen.getByTestId('page-header');
Is it possible to check if the following tag is present on an h1 tag ?
in short i need to check whether page-header
test id is present on h1
You can query by data attribute directly and check the length of the returned NodeList.
// or if you just want the first/only H1 with the relevant attribute
const idToSearch = 'page-header';
const testIds = document.querySelectorAll(`h1[data-testid='${idToSearch}']`)
<h1 data-testid="page-header">
<Link data-testid="about-page-link" to="/about"> Go to about