I´m trying to use a Configuration in an Annotation, like so:
interface SchedulingConfiguration {
val initialDelay: String
val fixedDelay: String
class Worker(
private val configuration: SchedulingConfiguration,
) {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
@Scheduled(initialDelay = configuration.initialDelay, fixedDelay = configuration.fixedDelay)
fun fetchQueueEntry() {
log.info("Fetching entry")
I´m getting the warning An annotation argument must be a compile-time constant
Is there some way to get this working with Micronaut?
I managed to get it running by browsing the Micronaut documentation and accidentally stumbling across Property Placeholders. This will work fine, even though not feeling 'optimal'.
class Worker {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
initialDelay = "\${scheduling.initialDelay}",
fixedDelay = "\${scheduling.fixedDelay}"
fun fetchQueueEntry() {
log.info("Fetching entry")
It´s also possible to define default values that will be used if the keys are not present in config files or env variables:
initialDelay = "\${scheduling.initialDelay:0s}",
fixedDelay = "\${scheduling.fixedDelay:10s}"
With no default values and absent configuration for used property placeholders, an Exception will be thrown at runtime and the application will shut down.