I have a project where Sprig Boot, JUnit and Gradle are being used. In the Gradle dependency I have found the following lines :
jacocoTestCoverageVerification {
violationRules {
rule {
limit {
minimum = Float.parseFloat(System.getenv().getOrDefault("CI_TEST_COVERAGE_REQUIRED", "0.7"))
As par me these lines indicating that in the Gitlab the test coverage must the 70% at least.
When I have the run tests with coverage in IntelliJ IDE, I have got 3 measurements, shown in the image.
So, we have got 3 values, which are different and indicating several types.
So my concern is that how the one single value 70% will be calculated from these 3 values?
Is there any way or command to get this single 70% or .7 value?
By going through the documentation from JacocoCoverageVerification to JacocoViolationRule and finally JacocoLimit#getCounter
The counter that applies to the limit as defined by org.jacoco.core.analysis.ICoverageNode.CounterEntity. Valid values are INSTRUCTION, LINE, BRANCH, COMPLEXITY, METHOD and CLASS. Defaults to INSTRUCTION.
So the default is INSTRUCTION
, of course you can specify the value of counter
In case you want to know the difference between LINE
, please take a look on Lines of Code VS Instructions while measuring code quality.