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Create nodes if optional match returns null

All the nodes I'll be using have unique constraints associated to them.

I tried to create new nodes like this (I thought about MERGE so it would not create the node if it already exists):

MERGE (n:url{url_addr:''})-[:FROM_DEVICE]->(o:device{mode:'iphone'})

And the node already exists it returns this error:

Node(21) already exists with label `url` and property `url_addr` = ''

It was obvious, since I didn't match them beforehand, so I did it in order to just pass the results properties:

MATCH (n:url{url_addr:''}), (o:device{mode:'iphone'})

But in case any of this records do not exist new nodes will not be created.

So I thought about using OPTIONAL MATCH, since it would replace any non-existent value with null, but this means it would also replace the properties I passed with null values.

OPTIONAL MATCH (n:url{url_addr:''}) RETURN n
MERGE n-[:FROM_DEVICE]->(o:device{mode:'iphone'})

It returned this error:

Failed to create relationship `  REL87(d65d30eb-65f5-4460-b166-15996622cf1b)`, node `n` is missing. If you prefer to simply ignore rows where a relationship node is missing, set 'cypher.lenient_create_relationship = true' in neo4j.conf

So I thought about using CASE statements in order to first verify if the match would return null and then create the node to define the relationship, but things didn't work well:

OPTIONAL MATCH (n:url{url_addr:''})
WITH n as test
    WHEN test IS NULL THEN CREATE (:url{url_addr:''})

This happens:

Invalid input '{': expected
  "^" (line 4, column 51 (offset: 135))
"        WHEN CASE IS NULL THEN CREATE (a:cookie_id{url:''})"

Removing the properties of the node does not help.


  • MERGE always matches or creates the whole pattern. So, you might want to split up the MERGE clause, so that it matches or creates each node and the relationship:

    MERGE (n:url {url_addr:''}) // match or create url node
    MERGE (o:device {mode:'iphone'})    // match or create device node
    MERGE (n)-[:FROM_DEVICE]->(o)       // match or create relationship

    You might also want to have a look at conditional cypher execution with APOC procedures: