I couldn't find a proper discussion thread on this topic, so I'm going to go ahead and ask here.
Problem: I have a select query that returns a result of size 100,000+. The user wants to view all this data, but obviously I can't give it to him all at once. I also don't want to store so much data on the client's memory. I want the user to be able to "page through" the results, being able to view the data in pages of 500 records.
So, how can I ask the database to only send me back 500 records at a time?
This depends on the database you are using, but in MySql you could try something like:
SELECT * FROM MyTable LIMIT <start>, 500
and replace <start>
with the index you would like to start on (e.g. 0 for the first page, 501 for the second page).