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Regex Get Text Between 2 Words

I need to put one word and obtain the html tag with the word inclusive. Example:

  • Text input: Madhuparna

I need to obtain:

  • June 5, 2021 By Madhuparna

  • bla bla bla Madhuparna bla bla bla

Test text:

<p>The entire purpose speed up the process.</p><p>June 5, 2021 By Madhuparna</p>\r\n<p>The entire purpose of a terminal emulator is to imitate how the regular computer terminals perform and allowing the main computer to connect to and use a remote computer through a command-line or a graphical interface. The terminal emulators are known to carry out the functions using the software.</p>\r\n<a>It allows file transfer between the main and the remote computer using SSH (Secure Shell) and also enables the host system to execute applications on the remote system. While it features a graphical user interface, programmers rather prefer the text-based interface to gain more control over all functions and speed up the process.</a><p>bla bla bla Madhuparna bla bla bla</p>

What I do for now but not work:



  • please try the following:

    *edit - getting slightly messier now (and quite "hacky")...


    Probably not entirely optimised but does the job as per your sample.

    This assumes that the only tags you are encountering (as per your sample) are <p> and <a> but please update the first capturing group ([pa]) of the regex if needed.

    Proof here: - (updated)

    The explanation panel on the link above will explain what the regex is doing.