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Regular Expression Tester for Google RE2

I'm looking for a regular expression tester for Google Big Data (RE2) reg expressions. There are a few testers out there, but none of them seems to understand my statement. These are the ones I've tried and they've worked for simple expressions but not with mine:

This is my regex:


where I would process strings like these:

  • Ro 708-2859/F07-01
  • RO708-2859-F06-04
  • RO703-3877-F01
  • 1-RO520-0628-F08
  • RO6868847-000-010

Does anyone have an idea of how I might enter the statement different or where I could test it?


  • You can use


    See the regex demo. Details:

    • ^ - start of string
    • (?:1-)? - an optional 1- string
    • ((?:R[Oo]?)?[:.]?\s?\d{3}[-.]?\d{4}[-/](?:F\d{2}(?:-\d{2})?|\d{3}[-/]\d{3})) - Group 1:
      • (?:R[Oo]?)? - an optional sequence of R and then an optional O or o
      • [:.]? - an optional : or .
      • \s? - an optional whitespace
      • \d{3} - three digits
      • [-.]? - an optional - or .
      • \d{4} - four digits
      • [-/] - - or /
      • (?:F\d{2}(?:-\d{2})?|\d{3}[-/]\d{3}) - either F, two digits and then an optional sequence of - and two digits, or three digits, - or / and three digits
    • $ - end of string.

    See the Google Sheets demo:

    enter image description here