I work on the server side Socket (use Telnet client) in Linux. Client is required to input a line in certain format: (1)command(GET/PUT/DEL), (2)key and (3)associated value (spaces to seperate in between). This key-value pair is later passed accordingly to the function(GET/PUT/DEL), which saves the data in the shared memory (keyValueStore).
I try to spilt the input into 3 parts, but there are wierd result in reading Token(2).
int main() {
char input[BUFSIZE]; // Client Daten -> Server
int bytes_read; // Bytes von Client
while (1) {
int bytes_index = -1;
while (1) {
bytes_read = recv(cfd, &input[++bytes_index], 1, 0);
if (bytes_read <= 0) // Check error or no data read
if (input[bytes_index] == '\n') {
// Received a complete line, including CRLF
// Remove ending CR
if ((bytes_index >= 0) && (input[bytes_index] == '\r'))
input[bytes_index] = 0;
if (bytes_index > 0) { // Check for empty line
printf("%s\n", input);
printf("bytes_index: %d\n", bytes_index);
//get the first token
token = NULL;
token = strtok(input, " ");
//walk through other tokens
int i = 0;
while (token != NULL) {
strcpy(&input[i++], token);
printf("Token: %d : %s\n",i, token);
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
// Check for client command
if (strcmp(input, "QUIT") == 0)
The result of strtok()
refers to the source buffer, so strcpy(&input[i++], token);
invokes undefined behavior by performing copy between overlapped objects.
In this case you should simply remove the line because the results of copy doesn't looks used.
If you want to use the tokens in the future, you should store them in a different way. Storing the pointers to each tokens may work (until new data is read to input
). It will be like this:
char* tokens[BUFSIZE];
while (token != NULL) {
tokens[i++] = token;
printf("Token: %d : %s\n",i, token);
token = strtok(NULL, " ");