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condition on Posixct date

I have a heterogeneous data like date are in POISXct format

ID birth new_birth 
1 1990-10-16 NA
2 1883-12-31 23:50:39 1983-12-31
3 1945-01-16 00:00:00 NA

I want to replace birth if there are something in new_birth and birth<1910 I change birth & new_birth in Date time with as.Date I want to create and new columns Year with

df <- df %>% 
 mutate(Year =, format="Y")  

but Year stay at format YMD, why ? and after I want to do ifelse to have finally

ID birth new_birth 
1 1990-10-16 NA
2 1983-12-31 1983-12-31
3 1945-01-16 NA

Do you have any idea to help me ?


  • You can use parse_date_time to change date and time in different formats to POSIXct class. If birth year is less than 1910 then replace birth value with new_birth.

    df %>%
      mutate(birth = as.Date(parse_date_time(birth, c('Ymd', 'YmdHMS'))), 
             new_birth = as.Date(new_birth),
             birth = if_else(year(birth) < 1910, new_birth, birth))
    #  ID      birth  new_birth
    #1  1 1990-10-16       <NA>
    #2  2 1983-12-31 1983-12-31
    #3  3 1945-01-16       <NA>


    df <- structure(list(ID = 1:3, birth = c("1990-10-16", "1883-12-31 23:50:39", 
    "1945-01-16 00:00:00"), new_birth = c(NA, "1983-12-31", NA)), 
    class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))