I am trying to wrap org.springframework.data.elasticsearch.annotations.Document
into a custom annotation , MyDocument.
@MyDocument will inherit everything that the parent @Document has, and the spring data library should also process MyDocument annotation that way it would do it for parent @Document.
Is this possible at all?
I tried below code, but I can't set the required 'indexName' param for @Document.
@Document() // HOW TO PUT indexName of @Mydocument into this?
public @interface MyDocument {
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "indexName")
String indexName();
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "useServerConfiguration")
boolean useServerConfiguration() default false;
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "shards")
short shards() default 1;
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "replicas")
short replicas() default 1;
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "refreshInterval")
String refreshInterval() default "1s";
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "indexStoreType")
String indexStoreType() default "fs";
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "createIndex")
boolean createIndex() default true;
@AliasFor(annotation = Document.class, attribute = "versionType")
VersionType versionType() default VersionType.EXTERNAL;
// My document specific props
String myCustomProp() default "myDefault";
// more properties....
REFERENCE for @Document Annotation by spring data elasticsearch
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface Document {
String indexName();
String type() default "";
boolean useServerConfiguration() default false;
short shards() default 1;
short replicas() default 1;
String refreshInterval() default "1s";
String indexStoreType() default "fs";
boolean createIndex() default true;
VersionType versionType() default VersionType.EXTERNAL;
EDITED : I actually needed to pass all the @Document params via this @MyDocument
EDIT#2 : Added @Document annotation class for reference
You are just missing the value
argument of the @AliasFor
@Document() // HOW TO PUT indexName of @Mydocument into this?
public @interface MyDocument {
@AliasFor(value = "indexName", annotation = Document.class)
String indexName();
boolean useServerConfiguration() default false;
short shards() default 1;
short replicas() default 1;
String refreshInterval() default "1s";
String indexStoreType() default "fs";
boolean createIndex() default true;
VersionType versionType() default VersionType.EXTERNAL;
// My document specific props
String myCustomProp() default "myDefault";
// more properties....
Note that this only works in spring-data-elasticsearch version 4.2.x (and above).