I am currently using a scene using A-frame (https://aframe.io) where I am hiding the mouse pointer in my scene. How can I create something where when a function is issued, my mouse pointer will show and when another function occurs, my mouse pointer will hide.
Currently the dfeault is that my mouse pointer is hidden. I want it so that when a function called "showPointer" occurs, my mouse pointer will show again and when a function called hidePointer occurs, my mouse pointer will hide again. How can I acheive this. My functions:
function hidePointer() {
//hide mouse pointer
function showPointer() {
//show mouse pointer
function hidePointer() {
function showPointer() {
// replace "pointer" with other style keyword
more detail about cursor style, check here
please make sure canvas element rm class a-grab-cursor from canvas
remove with this $('a-frame').classList.remove("a-grab-cursor")
check detail here
if you using 'cursor' component, please disable mouse cursor styles enabled