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How to load anaconda virtual environment from slurm?

I set up anaconda on the VM where slurm is installed as follows.

base                     /root/anaconda3
upload                *  /root/anaconda3/envs/upload

And the file in slurm is:

#SBATCH -J vs_slurm_upload
#SBATCH -o ./out/%j_log.out
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --array=0-14

conda info --envs
source activate upload

However, unlike the Anaconda settings I set, there is no upload virtual environment.

Here is the result:

base                     /root/anaconda3

In order to set the virtual environment in slurm, do I need to set docker instead of setting it in my VM?

I don't quite understand slurm yet.

Thank you for your reply.


  • The difference is perhaps because the user-specific ~/.condarc is not being loaded due to not running the SLURM script in login mode (i.e., as your user). Try modifying the script to something like:

    #!/bin/bash -l
    #SBATCH -J vs_slurm_upload
    #SBATCH -o ./out/%j_log.out
    #SBATCH --ntasks=1
    #SBATCH --array=0-14
    conda info --envs
    conda activate upload

    Note that I also changed the source activate to conda activate - the former syntax has been deprecated since Conda v4.4.