The Next JS dynamic import is stuck on loading on mobile device browser (used browser: Google Chrome and Safari on IOS.) Whereas it is working perfectly on Google Chrome and Mozilla on Desktop. I am also using next-PWA on the default configuration. Could it be due to next-PWA?
Code Snippet:
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import { useMemo } from "react";
export default function Main() {
const Component = useMemo(
() =>
dynamic(() => import("@components/Component"), {
loading: () => <p>The component is loading</p>,
ssr: false,
Output on Mobile Device
The component is loading
Output on Desktop Browser
Hello from Component
The fault was not of the Next Dynamic rather than it was due to HTTP site not getting navigator resources in mobile browsers.
Edit: In mobile devices it required HTTPS instead of HTTP. Hence, when I was running in local network it was in HTTP, to enable HTTPS in your local network you can view: