I want to make a simple web interface for switching vlc player songs. It already has a built-in web server and commands for interacting with it. But when I send a GET request with the command, VLC returns 401 error. I cannot figure out how to pass the password from the VLC web interface in my request. And I can't figure out how to disable authorization.
Maybe someone has already encountered or offers an alternative way to remotely control VLC
My JS code with request
const play = document.querySelector('.play')
const pause = document.querySelector('.pause')
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
play.addEventListener('click', () => {
xhr.open('GET', '', false);
console.log('click play')
pause.addEventListener('click', () => {
xhr.open('GET', '', false);
console.log('click play')
To authenticate your request, you need to set a Request Header. In your case:
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa("username:password"));