I just stumbled upon the fact that there are two classes that apparently do very similar things and it is not clear to me from the documentation when to use which.
ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction and ServerBearerExchangeFilterFunction
both live in the same package of Spring-Boot-Security-oauth2-resource-server and serve the same purpose of transporting a bearer token from the Context into outgoing http requests.
From the names I would have guessed that the Servlet option would be used for non Reactor projects while the Server version would be used with project Reactor. However that doesn't seem to be the case. At least the Servlet version seems to be working with Spring-WebFlux.
Can anyone please explain when to use which implementation?
We apparently had a false observation when using the ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction. I corrected this in the original Question.
It turns out the ServletBearerExchangeFilterFunction can be used to configure a WebClient for use in a WebMVC (Thread based request processing) context while the ServerBearerExchangeFilterFunction works when using SpringWebFlux.