I have a matrix let's say A with NxN order (here, 3x3) given by:
A = | a b c|
| d e f|
| g h i|
And I want to convert this matrix into a single vector of order [NxN, 1] (here, 9x1) given by:
P = |a|
So, right now what I'm using for converting it for a larger order of matrices & vectors is:
% A is a given matrix with some arbitrary values of order (N,M)
P = zeros(N*M, 1);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:M
P((i-1)*M + j, 1) = A(i,j)
But I am still getting some values in the vector P that is having values as zeros. I'm not sure what am I doing wrong. Any suggestions, what should be the correction in the code? I also feel there is a possibility that some values are getting overlapped over some already filled data fields in the vector P.
You can always simply unroll the vector
And of course, of you don't like this ordering
Aaux=A.'; %transpose first.