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How to apply generic constraint to accept multi level of inheritance C#

I am looking for a way to support multi level of inheritance for generic type constraint.

Common generic interface

public interface ICommon<T>
    T OrignalData {get;set;}
    string ChangeJson {get;set;}
    T Merged {get;set;}
    void Inject();

Common base class implements ICommon

public class Base <T>: ICommon<T>
    public T OrignalData {get;private set;}
    public string ChangeJson {get;set;}
    public T Merged {get;private set;}
    public void Inject(T orignal)
        if (orignal == null)
        var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
            ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Auto
        dynamic merged = orignal.Clone();
        JsonConvert.PopulateObject(this.ChangeJson, merged, settings);
        this.Merged  = merged;
        this.Orignal = orignal;

Department class inherits Base class

public class Deparment : Base<Deparment>

OrgnizationDepartment class inherits Deparment

public class OrgnizationDepartment : Deparment


class View expect ICommon must implement on passed calls

public class View<T> where T : ICommon<T>
   //This class is totally dynamic to visualize any json data along with  old and new value of requested json for any class like department or org..


public class Test
    public void TestConstraint()
        //No error 
        var deptView = new View<Deparment>();

        //Error as Base not directly implemented on OrgnizationDepartment 
        var orgView = new View<OrgnizationDepartment>();

how do I define my constraint that should support for multi level as well.


  • One way out of this would be "composition over inheritance".

    Here is a naive example, that is still relatively close to your code:

    using System;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            //No error 
            var deptView = new View<Deparment>();
            //Formerly Error 
            var orgView = new View<OrgnizationDepartment>();
    public interface ICommon<T> where T : ICloneable
        // returns a tuple
        (T,T,string) Inject(T original, string change);
    public class Base <T>: ICommon<T> where T : ICloneable
       // we can reuse this...
       private readonly JsonSerializerSettings  settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Auto
        public (T,T,string) Inject(T original, string change)
            if (original is null)
                return default;
            // this forces T to implement ICloneable ... just saying...
            dynamic merged = original.Clone();
            JsonConvert.PopulateObject(change, merged, settings);
            return (original, merged, change);
    public class Deparment : ICloneable, ICommon<Deparment>
        // could also be created in ctor. Maybe use Ctor injection.
        private readonly Base<Deparment> common = new Base<Deparment>();
        public object Clone(){return this;} // this is of course nonsense. Clone properly! I did this to avoid dotnetfiddle screaming at me.
        public (Deparment, Deparment, string) Inject(Deparment original, string change){
            return common.Inject(original, change);
    public class OrgnizationDepartment : ICloneable, ICommon<OrgnizationDepartment>
        private readonly Base<OrgnizationDepartment> common = new Base<OrgnizationDepartment>();
        public object Clone() {return this;}
        public (OrgnizationDepartment, OrgnizationDepartment, string) Inject(OrgnizationDepartment original, string change){
            return common.Inject(original, change);