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how to pull json data from a server/url and set equal to a variable?

I currently have a gauge chart from highcharts working with data that I directly input but now I am trying to transition to pulling the data (json fromat) from a server that is hosted through json-server --watch livePSAD.json --port 8000 this is the chart that I currently have

series: [
        name: "Speed",
        data: [85],
        tooltip: {
          valueSuffix: " RPM"

I am currently trying to figure out a way to set the data part of the series equal to http://localhost:8000/f0s which looks like this


and have it live update every 3 seconds which I know I could possibly do through enablePolling: true but i cant event get it to just pull the static number of 55 from the url.

if (!chart.renderer.forExport) {
      setInterval(function () {
        var lg = 50;
        var hg = 120;
        var point = chart.series[0].points[0],
          axis = chart.yAxis[0];

          plotBands: [
              from: 0,
              to: lg,
              color: "red" // green
              from: lg,
              to: hg,
              color: "green" // yellow
              from: hg,
              to: 200,
              color: "red" // red
      }, 3000);

I then want to set the variable lg to http://localhost:8000/f0lg and hg to http://localhost:8000/f0hg which
lg looks like this


hg looks like this


and I want to have those also pull from that url every 3 seconds

Any thoughts as to how this might be possible?

Using the checked solution I now have all the variables entering and changing the chart but the tick marks are all wonky this is the new code

(for some reason it works on jsfidle but not in my code where I am using it but it is exactly the same other than I have more charts on my page/code) Any thoughts on why this could be?


  • Check this demo that shows how to fetch a JSON data and initialize the chart:

      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        //check how the fetched data looks like
        //create chart
        Highcharts.chart('container', {
          series: [{
                    type: 'column',