I've searched the web countless times trying to find a way to solve this but I've come up empty-handed every time. I have been using qrcode.js to generate QR codes for a website, but I haven't figured out how to download the image once it's been generated. The code I use to generate the QR code looks like this:
var myQR = new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), {
text: "Made with QR Generator",
width: 128,
height: 128,
colorDark : qrdarkcolor,
colorLight : qrlightcolor,
correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
I am trying to find a way to either download the QR code within the div or find the source and create a button that users can click on to download the image. I apologize if this is a commonly asked question, but I've searched many other questions that are similar to this and haven't found a clear answer. I would prefer to keep this site with only HTML, CSS, and Javascript if possible.
The image is generated through the plugin and takes a moment to render, so the method needs to be done with setTimeout. After that, we grab the src
of the image and apply it to a download link (a link that has the attribute download
in it)
Note this won't work in the snippet sandbox, but it's been tested on a normal web page and works great.
const makeQR = (url, filename) => {
var qrcode = new QRCode("qrcode", {
text: "http://jindo.dev.naver.com/collie",
width: 128,
height: 128,
colorDark: "#000000",
colorLight: "#ffffff",
correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H
setTimeout(() => {
let qelem = document.querySelector('#qrcode img')
let dlink = document.querySelector('#qrdl')
let qr = qelem.getAttribute('src');
dlink.setAttribute('href', qr);
dlink.setAttribute('download', 'filename');
}, 500);
makeQR(document.querySelector('#text').value, 'qr-code.png')
#qrcode {
width: 160px;
height: 160px;
margin-top: 15px;
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/davidshimjs-qrcodejs@0.0.2/qrcode.min.js"></script>
<input id="text" type="text" value="https://stackoverflow.com" style="width:80%" /><br />
<div id="qrcode"></div>
<a id='qrdl' hidden>Download</a>