I have a datasheet style table with list of records, that need updating their values. I would like to run a single Submit and in my GraphQL send an array of records as a single argument to the set query. They are actually MongoDB documents. As in the title I am using React with Apollo client. Thank you in advance :)
More details below
So I have this mutation on server side it works with Playground. However it gives errors on Apollo client side.
mutation { updateWorklogs( input: [ { id: "60c6b", week1: 1, week2: 2, week4: 9 }, { id: "60c6c", week1: 3, week2: 4, week4: 1.5 } ] ) { id year month name } }
Apollo Client tools show the mutation variables correctly as
However in Apollo Client tools when I try to run the query it is showing as {“input”:[{“id”:“60c6b9ca277c815ec200992a”,“week1”:5,“week2”:2,“week3”:0,“week4”:9},{“id”:“60c6ba80277c815ec200992e”,“week1”:0,“week2”:5,“week3”:0,“week4”:0}]}
which I guess is fine. This should work as it is identical to what I'm running in Playground, but not!
I tried to run JSON.parse(myVariables) but no help. Apollo seems to convert it. And final result the query doesn’t run. It returns a 400 response, with not much else. If I need an interface I'm not using TS, no idea how to do it in React JS yet.
const [setWorklog] = useMutation(SET_WORKLOGS);
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
console.log("state=", state) // returns the above state, which is correct
setWorklog({ variables: { input: state }, update(proxy, result) {
const data = proxy.readQuery({
data.userWorklogs = result.data.setWorklogs;
proxy.writeQuery({ query: GET_WORKLOGS, data });
.catch(e => {
console.log("Error=", e);
Thanks again
Thank you xadm, This is now solved. And no need to use gqlast. Just make sure in these types of queries you always include the top section alias for defining types. It's not specified anywhere, but you can even use the input type you declared on your server. Then make sure your declared input: $input matches as below. This feature is an amazing GraphQL feature, updating a whole table grid with a single mutation. It is not possible with REST API's. And you can return the updated results, meaning you don't have to do another trip to refetch.
mutation updateWorklogs(
$input: [updateWorklogInput]
) {
input: $input
) {
const [setWorklog] = useMutation(SET_WORKLOGS);
// Use it like this
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
setWorklog({ variables: { input: input })
.catch(e => {
console.log("Error=", e);