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Class not registered VBA excel

I'm trying to copy slides from one PowerPoint presentation to another with the use of a VBA script in excel. Found the below code but when trying to run it I receive the following error enter image description here

I'm working on 64 bit machine and I'm using the following references: -Visual Basic For Applications -Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library -OLE Automation -Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Libarary -Microsoft PowerPoint 16.0 Object Library

Dim objPresentation As Presentation
Dim i As Integer

'open the target presentation
Set objPresentation = Presentations.Open("C:\Users\john\Desktop\123.pptx")
For i = 1 To objPresentation.Slides.Count
    Presentations.Item(1).Slides.Item(Presentations.Item(1).Slides.Count).Design = _
Next i
End Sub

Could someone please help me overcome this error?


  • You have not declared a Powerpoint application object.

    Dim objPowerPoint As New PowerPoint.Application
    Dim objPresentation As Presentation
    Dim i As Integer
    'open the target presentation
    Set objPresentation = objPowerPoint.Presentations.Open("C:\Users\john\Desktop\123.pptx")
    '~~> Rest of the code