How to write this command in process builder. I tried different combinations, but nothing worked for me.
/Users/rawfodog/Documents/OpenJRE11/Contents/Home/bin/Java -jar --module-path /Users/rawfodog/Downloads/AllLibrary --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml /Users/rawfodog/Downloads/app.jar
My code:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/Users/rawfodog/Documents/OpenJRE11/Contents/Home/bin/Java", "-jar", "--module-path /Users/rawfodog/Downloads/AllLibrary","--add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml", "/Users/rawfodog/Downloads/app.jar");
You should separate each of the individual parameters - currently 2 arguments are joined in the "--module-path" argument:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(
, "-jar"
, "--module-path"
, "/Users/rawfodog/Downloads/AllLibrary"
, "/Users/rawfodog/Downloads/app.jar");
Also add code to check the exit status / wait for end of process:
Process p = pb.start();
int rc = p.waitFor();