I'm trying to run a dynamic brownian bridge movement model on an object of class 'MoveBurst'. I have an individual dataset of 30 locations, and have specified the model as follows:
bursted_dbbmm <- brownian.bridge.dyn(bursted, burstType='normal', raster = xAEQD.ind,
location.error = "LocationError", time.step = 5, ext = 3,
window.size = 29)
Running this code returns an error message:
Error in brownian.motion.variance.dyn(as(object, ".MoveTrackSingle"), :
window.size can't be larger than the number of locations in the move object
This is despite the fact that I specified the window size to be smaller than the number of locations in the move object. No matter what odd value i choose for the window.size, the same error gets returned. Any ideas how to get this to work?
I'm using RStudio v 1.2.5033, and 'move' R package version 3.2.2.
There was a bug in the move package. This is now fixed: https://gitlab.com/bartk/move/-/commit/e3db2077a7f0acdb23161a86a8a0d474c85fb41f
Let me know if it now works if you install the development version. It solved it for my reproducible example