I want to set up an one-time PayPal payment. I am calling <script data-page-type="checkout" src="https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id={my client id}¤cy=CZK&commit=true&intent=capture&debug=true"></script>
from HTML to get the button to show.
I then set it up in the client-side javascript like this
createOrder: function(data, actions) {
return fetch('/.netlify/functions/transactionProcessor?orderAction=create', {
method: 'post',
}).then(function(functionResponse) {
console.log("order created");
return functionResponse.json();
}).then(function(functionResponseJson) {
return functionResponseJson.id;
When the user clicks the button, createOrder is called. CreateOrder then calls this server-side code
async function createOrder(client) {
// Call PayPal to set up a transaction.
const request = new paypal.orders.OrdersCreateRequest();
intent: 'CAPTURE',
purchase_units: [{
amount: {
currency_code: 'CZK',
value: '69.99'
const order = await client.execute(request);
console.log('order successfuly created');
// Return a successful serverResponse to the client with the order ID.
return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({ serverResponse: order, id:
order.result.id }) }
That returns absolutely fine. The client-side code then handles it by returning it in it's createOrder method - and here the error occurs.
RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND (https://justpaste.it/resource_not_found_paypal_err)
INVALID_RESOURCE_ID (https://justpaste.it/invalid_resource_id_err)
I have absolutely no idea why it happens and I've been trying to fix it for days already. It WORKS IN SANDBOX.
Solved. I was accidentally using sandbox environment on the server. The logic was process.env.SANDBOX ? sandboxEnv : liveEnv
, but the process.env variable doesn't work for some reason (Netlify + Netlify dev). I replaced it with local const sandbox = false
Can't believe I spent so much time on this. I'd never find this if I didn't fiddle with it so stupidly much.