I am a beginner in VHDL. I am using GHDL to implement my VHDL code on and to test it. I wrote a simple VHDL Behavioral Code for XOR Gate. I am trying to write a testbench to test the XOR Gate.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity XORGate is
xora, xorb : in std_logic;
xorout : out std_logic
end XORGate;
architecture behave of XORGate is
process(xora, xorb)
xorout <= xora xor xorb;
end process;
end behave;
XOR Testbench VHDL Code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity XORGate_tb is
end XORGate_tb;
architecture structural of XORGate_tb is
component XORGate
xa, xb : in std_logic;
xout : out std_logic
end component;
signal xa, xb, xout : std_ulogic;
xorgate1 : XORGate port map(xa, xb, xout);
xa <= '0';
xb <= '0';
wait for 100 ns;
xa <= '0';
xb <= '1';
wait for 100 ns;
xa <= '1';
xb <= '0';
wait for 100 ns;
xa <= '1';
xb <= '1';
wait for 100 ns;
assert false report "Reached end of test";
end process;
end structural;
When I use the following commands: "ghdl -s XORGate_tb.vhdl" to check the syntax "ghdl -a XORGate_tb.vhdl" to analyze the file no errors are given. When I use the following command "ghdl -e XORGate_tb" I get the following errors
XORGate_tb.vhdl:18:1:error: for default port binding of component instance "xorgate1":
XORGate_tb.vhdl:18:1:error: signal interface "xa" has no association in entity "xorgate"
XORGate_tb.vhdl:18:1:error: signal interface "xb" has no association in entity "xorgate"
XORGate_tb.vhdl:18:1:error: signal interface "xout" has no association in entity "xorgate"
I am unable to fix the error. Tried changing signal names and still got the same error. How can I fix the above error?
The port names in the entity do not match the component. In the component you have xa
, xb
and xout
. But in the entity they are xora
, xorb
and xorout
To avoid issues like this, I recommend using direct instantiation as mismatches between an instantiation and the entity are a syntax error and you can simply delete the component and not have what is effectively the same code in two different places:
xorgate1 : entity work.XORGate port map(xa, xb, xout);