We have a requirement to return JSONs based on numerous nested tables. I thought this would be quicker if the node tables had the JSON already prepared in a computed column. Is it possible to use JSON_QUERY in a computed column or write a function to return all columns in the row as JSON? It gets rejected when I try to put it into a new computed column on the table designer. I can imagine a function that has to look up its own data instead of taking values directly from the columns, but that seems inefficient. I welcome advice or alternative methods.
Yes, you can use JSON_QUERY in computed column definitions. Part of your question is asking about a computed column returning a JSON representation of other column values, though, which requires more work.
For example, if you try to create the following table definition:
create table dbo.Foo (
FooID int,
Bar nvarchar(50),
Baz date,
ComputedJSON as (select FooID, Bar, Baz for json path)
You'll receive the following error:
Msg 1046 Level 15 State 1 Line 5
Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.
To work around this you'll need to move the subquery to a user-defined function, such as:
create function dbo.FooJson(@FooID int)
returns nvarchar(max)
return cast((
select FooID, Bar, Baz
from dbo.Foo
where FooID=@FooID
for json path
) as nvarchar(max));
create table dbo.Foo (
FooID int,
Bar nvarchar(50),
Baz date,
ComputedJSON as dbo.FooJson(FooID)
Now when you execute the following:
insert dbo.Foo (FooID, Bar, Baz) values (1, N'Hello', '21-Jan-2021');
select * from dbo.Foo;
You'll see the results:
FooID | Bar | Baz | ComputedJSON |
1 | Hello | 2021-01-21 | [{"FooID":1,"Bar":"Hello","Baz":"2021-01-21"}] |