I am using Ionic 5.
I am trying to make today is my [min]
So users can select today and days after today.
my code is
minDate: any = new Date(new Date().setFullYear(new Date().getDate() - 0)).toISOString();
<ion-datetime class="ion-no-padding top-padding" display-timezone="utc" displayFormat="DD/MM/YYYY" [min]='minDate'>
Ex= Today is 18 Jun 2021
so users can select the same and after the date of 18 Jun 2021.
= 18 Jun 2021
= 19 Jun 2021
any date after 18 Jun 2021
You can use following code for this purpose :
Please install moment library for use anykind of datetime format :
npm install moment --save
and in your .ts file put this :
MinDate :any;
this.MinDate = moment('18/06/2021', "YYYY-MM-DD").add('days', 1).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
and in Todate of HTML code put inside <ion-datetime>
<ion-datetime formControlName="ToDate" displayFormat="DD/MM/YYYY"
output :
it will Open Datepicker from 19/06/2021 it won't let you select date 18/06/2021 and before this dates.