Search code examples

SQL Self Join / Sub Query

I got stuck in the below query, Tables as follows. wktest(Store, dt, sale) Cal (dt, fin_yr, wk)

Note: wktest is a sale table which has last year & current year, I want to get result of Last year's sale and current year's sale by week with following key

Current year's WK number + weekday = Last year's WK number + weekday

select w.Store,c.Fin_Yr ,c.Wk, sum(
        from wktest w
        join cal c on w.dt = c.dt
        concat(c.wk,weekday(w.dt)) = 
        (select concat(cal.wk,weekday(wktest.dt)) from cal join wktest on cal.dt = wktest.dt where wktest.dt between '2019-04-01' and '2020-03-31')
        group by w.Store,c.Fin_Yr ,c.Wk;

Sharing Sample tables & expected output enter image description here


  • Test, maybe this query is safe for you?

    SELECT wk, SUM( FY20_sale, SUM( FY22_sale
    FROM ( SELECT dt, cal.wk,
           FROM wktest
           JOIN cal USING (dt)
           WHERE cal.fin_yr = 'FY20' ) FY20
    JOIN ( SELECT dt, cal.wk,
           FROM wktest
           JOIN cal USING (dt)
           WHERE cal.fin_yr = 'FY22' ) FY22 USING (wk)
    GROUP BY wk

    The query assimes that dt column values are unique in each separate table.