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Google Content Api for Shopping - List only wanted product features

I am utilizing the script below ( I am wondering, instead of all the resources, how could I just list the product price for example?

 * Lists the products for a given merchant.
function productList() {
  var merchantId = 123456; // Replace this with your Merchant Center ID.
  var pageToken;
  var pageNum = 1;
  var maxResults = 10;
  do {
    var products = ShoppingContent.Products.list(merchantId, {
      pageToken: pageToken,
      maxResults: maxResults
    Logger.log('Page ' + pageNum);
    if (products.resources) {
      for (var i = 0; i < products.resources.length; i++) {
        Logger.log('Item [' + i + '] ==> ' + products.resources[i]);
    } else {
      Logger.log('No more products in account ' + merchantId);
    pageToken = products.nextPageToken;
  } while (pageToken);


  • In your situation, how about the following modification?


    Logger.log('Item [' + i + '] ==> ' + products.resources[i]);


    Logger.log('Item [' + i + '] (product price) ==> ' + products.resources[i].price.value); // or products.resources[i].price.currency


    • If you want to retrieve the data as an array, how about the following modification?

        function productList() {
          var merchantId = 123456; // Replace this with your Merchant Center ID.
          var pageToken;
          var pageNum = 1;
          var maxResults = 10;
          var res = []; // Added
          do {
            var products = ShoppingContent.Products.list(merchantId, {
              pageToken: pageToken,
              maxResults: maxResults
            Logger.log('Page ' + pageNum);
            if (products.resources) {
              for (var i = 0; i < products.resources.length; i++) {
                res.push({id: products.resources[i].id, title: products.resources[i].title, price: products.resources[i].price.value}); // Added
                Logger.log('Item [' + i + '] (product price) ==> ' + products.resources[i].price.value); // or products.resources[i].price.currency
            } else {
              Logger.log('No more products in account ' + merchantId);
            pageToken = products.nextPageToken;
          } while (pageToken);
          Logger.log(res); // Added


    • In this answer, it supposes that you have already been able to use ShoppingContent.Products.list() method. Please be careful this.
