I am trying to access through my browser to see what I get from my json database.
Here's an example:
"records": [
"data": {
"Identification number": "34",
"Name": "Joqmo",
"Gender": "female",
"Risk": "BITES",
"Hair length": "6.2000000000",
"IQ": "98",
"Admission date": "Mon Dec 13 00:00:00 CET 1993",
"Last breakdown": "Wed Dec 24 07:14:50 CET 2014",
"Yearly fee": "67035",
"Knows the Joker?": "true"
"kids": {
"has_relatives": {
"records": [
"data": {
"Relative ID": "1007",
"Patient ID": "34",
"Is alive?": "true",
"Frequency of visits": "29"
"kids": {
"has_phone": {
"records": [
"data": {
"Phone ID": "2008",
"ID of the relative": "1007",
"Phone": "+(179)-982-0570"
"kids": {}
Then I can access to localhost:5000/records
and all the info shows perfectly.
But when trying to access a level deeper, to localhost:5000/records/0
which is the first element in the array and I should be able to see "data" and "kids" in the first level, but it sends a 404.
Any idea???
I read that json-library has limitations on this and You cannot access data this way unless the data is structure with ids in the same way explained in the docs data Examples.