I'm trying to compare strings and I'm using a WebClient to download one of them and when I compare them, it always returns that they aren't equal even though they are.
here's the code
using System;
using System.Net;
class MainClass {
public static readonly string test = "e";
public static readonly string e = "http://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeizureSaladd/test/main/ok.txt";
public static void Main (string[] args) {
if(MainClass.test == new WebClient().DownloadString(MainClass.e))
Console.WriteLine("yay it works lol");
Console.WriteLine("uh oh");
Console.WriteLine(new WebClient().DownloadString(MainClass.e));
if I run this, it says uh oh
then returns e
even though they're exactly the same.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
http://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeizureSaladd/test/main/ok.txt returns: "e\n". You'll need to strip the trailing new-line character to get a valid comparison. So no, they aren't equal at all.