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SQL - update field with a value, if corresponding values are all the same

I have an interesting task at hand that I'm trying to figure out how to do.

Let's say I have the following data in a table:

  Num1      Acct      Amt         Type1       Type2        AmtX     AmtY    AcctBadInd
  X12       111       90           X          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
  X12       222       -90          X          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
  X12       333       90           X          1            NULL     NULL    NULL

  Y33       111       75           Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
  Y33       444       -75          Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL

  Z44       111       55           Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL
  Z44       111       55           Y          0            NULL     NULL    NULL
  Z44       444       -65          Y          1            NULL     NULL    NULL

Below are a couple examples. Only caveat is that a given Num1 can have any number of records but always >= 2. So it could be 2,3,4,5 and the same logic would apply in all cases.

  1. Verify that ABS(AMT) for all Type2=1 records is the same. If all 3 records have the same AMT, then SET AMTX=ABS(AMT) for that Num1. Alternatively, if Type1 was Y for X12 - then we would instead update AmtY = ABS(AMT)

  2. Num1 = Y33 - In this case we again want to verify that ABS(AMT) is the same where Type2=1. If they are equal, then because Type1=Y, we would set AmtY =75

  3. Num1=Z44 - in this case again verify that ABS(AMT) is the same for Type2=1. If they are not equal, then dont update AmtY, but rather set AcctBadInd = 1

End Result

Num1      Acct      Amt         Type1       Type2        AmtX     AmtY    AcctBadInd
  X12       111       90           X          1            90     NULL    NULL
  X12       222       -90          X          1            90     NULL    NULL
  X12       333       90           X          1            90     NULL    NULL

  Y33       111       75           Y          1            NULL     75    NULL
  Y33       444       -75          Y          1            NULL     75    NULL

  Z44       111       55           Y          1            NULL     NULL    1
  Z44       444       -65          Y          1            NULL     NULL    1
  Z44       111       55           Y          0            NULL     NULL    NULL

I'm struggling with this, and I'm not expecting an answer but at least a hint or any help so I can get on my way. More so, if this is doable in a way that I imagine without writing god knows how much code.


  • If I understand correctly here is how you can do it:

    with cte as (
    select * , type2, max(abs(Amt)) minAmt, min(abs(Amt)) maxAmt, count(*) cnt 
    from table 
    group by Num1 , type2
    update t1
    set   AmtX = case when cnt> 1 and Type2=1 and t1.type1 = 'X' and minAmt = maxAmt then minAmt end
        , AmtY = case when cnt> 1 and Type2=1 and t1.type1 = 'Y' and minAmt = maxAmt then minAmt end
        , AcctBadInd = case when cnt> 1 and Type2=1 and minAmt <> maxAmt then 1 end
    from table t1 
    join cte on t1.Num1 = cte.Num1
    and t1.type2 = cte.type2