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Highlight text in nattable cell

I have a nettable with different columns and rows filled with data. I want to highlight specific text in cells when some text is searched in a text field.

After lookin into I tried the following but nothing is highlighted when I press the apply button

this.applyButton = new Button(parent, SWT.PUSH);

private SelectionListener getSelectionListener(){
    return new SelectionAdapter() {
        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
            String text = textBox.getText();
            if(!text.trim().isEmpty()) {

public void applyHighlighting(String text) {
    RegexMarkupValue regexMarkup = new RegexMarkupValue("", "<span style=\"background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0)\">",
    natTable.addConfiguration(new DefaultNatTableStyleConfiguration() {
            this.cellPainter = new BackgroundPainter(new PaddingDecorator(new RichTextCellPainter(), 2));

        public void configureRegistry(IConfigRegistry configRegistry) {
            // markup for highlighting
            MarkupDisplayConverter markupConverter = new MarkupDisplayConverter();
            markupConverter.registerMarkup("highlight", regexMarkup);
            // register markup display converter for normal display mode in the body
            configRegistry.registerConfigAttribute(CellConfigAttributes.DISPLAY_CONVERTER, markupConverter,
                    DisplayMode.NORMAL, GridRegion.BODY);
    regexMarkup.setRegexValue(text.isEmpty() ? "" : "(" + text + ")");

so with this I assumed when I type something in the text field and click on apply button text in the cells provided in the text field should be highlighted but nothing is changed. Any help?



  • If you only want to highlight parts of a text inside a cell, you need the Nebula Extension. It is described in the New & Noteworthy of 1.5

    There is also a pointer to the corresponding example.