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How to insert date from JSON to SQL database

I have to insert some data from JSON to SQL database so I use below code:

sqlQuery1 = "DECLARE @json varchar(max)='" + inputData + "';";
sqlQuery2 = "INSERT INTO [Test].[dbo].[Work] " +
                        "SELECT [Id], [Created], [Assignee] " +
                        "FROM OPENJSON(@json) "+
                        "WITH ([Id] int '$.id',"+
                        "[Created] datetimeoffset(4) '$.fields.created',"+
                       "[Assignee] varchar(200) '$')";
System.out.println(sqlQuery2); stmt.addBatch(sqlQuery1);stmt.addBatch(sqlQuery2);                    break;

$fields.created date has format eg: "2021-03-04T07:11:40.000+0000" I tried using different way but not able to insert above format date into SQL. Kindly help me with this code to insert created date to db.

Thank you in advance


  • SQL Server expects the time zone portion of your datetimeoffset string to include the colon character, i.e.: +00:00 instead of just +0000.

    You will need to extract it from JSON as a varchar/nvarchar column first so that you can insert the : character before converting it to a datetimeoffset like so:

    declare @json nvarchar(max) = N'{
        "expand": "operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields",
        "id": "180",
        "fields": {
            "created": "2021-03-04T07:11:40.000+0000",
            "assignee": {
                "name": "pallavi"
    select *
    from openjson(@json) with (
      [Id] int '$.id',
      [Created] varchar(29) '$.fields.created',
      [Assignee] varchar(200) '$'
    ) shredded
    outer apply (
      select [CreatedDatetimeoffset] = convert(datetimeoffset, stuff(Created, 27, 0, ':'))
    ) converted;