I want to create a toString function for Tuples with a variadic amount of a specific type (arithmetic types for now).
Something like this
<template T, typename enable_if<is_arithmetic_v<T>>::type* = nullptr>
toString(tuple<T...> tup)
std::stringstream ss;
std::apply([&ss](auto&&... args) {((ss << args << ";"), ...); }, tup);
return ss.str();
where all members are the same type and the type is a number type.
I found this, but that allows all types and mixed tuples like make_tuple("str", 12.0f, 123)
Could someone explain how I'd do that in C++17?
Thanks :)
You can check all the types are identical or not with the help of fold expression (since C++17).
template <typename T, // the 1st type
typename... Args, // subsequent types
typename enable_if<is_arithmetic_v<T>>::type* = nullptr, // check for arithmetic type
typename enable_if<(is_same_v<T, Args> && ...)>::type* = nullptr> // check all the types are identical or not
auto toString(tuple<T, Args...> tup)
std::stringstream ss;
std::apply([&ss](auto&&... args) {((ss << args << ";"), ...); }, tup);
return ss.str();