I'm trying to get a .csv out that includes occasional empty values.
Calling this API (https://www.campaignmonitor.com/api/subscribers/#getting-subscribers-details) I get the following:
"ID": "fc0ce7105baeaf97f47c99be31d02a91",
"Type": "Campaign",
"Name": "Campaign One",
"Actions": [
"Event": "Open",
"Date": "2010-10-12 13:18:00",
"IPAddress": "",
"Detail": ""
"Event": "Click",
"Date": "2010-10-12 13:16:00",
"IPAddress": "",
"Detail": "https://example.com/post/12323/"
"ID": "dsadsamdkl9309ujd432",
"Type": "Campaign",
"Name": "Campaign Two",
"Actions": []
What I want to get as output:
"Campaign One","Open"
"Campaign One","Click"
"Campaign Two","none"
What I currently get
"Campaign One","Open"
"Campaign One","Click"
I can't seem to find a way to include values when "Actions" == []
What I tried so far:
Attempt 1:
curl -u "apikey:x" https://api.createsend.com/api/v3.2/subscribers/listID/history.json?email=example@email.com | jq -r '.[] | .Name as $n | .Actions[] | ([$n, .Event | if . == null then "none" else . end]) | @csv'
Attempt 2:
curl -u "apikey:x" https://api.createsend.com/api/v3.2/subscribers/listID/history.json?email=example@email.com | jq -r '.[] | .Name as $n | .Actions[] | ([$n, .Event // "none"]) | @csv'
Attempt 3:
curl -u "apikey:x" https://api.createsend.com/api/v3.2/subscribers/listID/history.json?email=example@email.com | jq -r '.[] | .Name as $n | .Actions[] |.Actions[] | if . == [] then .Actions[].Event = "" else . end | ([$n, .Event]) | @csv'
With the alternative operator //
jq -r '.[] | (.Actions[].Event // "none") as $e | [ .Name, $e ] | @csv'
This assumes that the missing comma on line 20 hast been inserted.