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Repo not found using semantic-release-monorepo in GitHub Actions workflow

I am creating a GitHub Actions workflow to build and publish npm packages to GitHub Packages. The repo is a monorepo with several packages, so I am using the semantic-release-monorepo tool. However, the step to publish is failing and I can't figure out why.

My GitHub Actions workflow file is as follows (trimmed down slightly)

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      packages: write
      GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MY_PAT }}

      - name: Checkout repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

        run: |
          yarn install
          yarn build

      - name: Setup node for publishing to Github packages
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          node-version: "12.x"
          registry-url: ""

      - name: Yarn publish packages
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} 
        run: |
          yarn publish-packages

yarn publish-packages runs a script which executes the lerna command for semantic release

lerna exec --concurrency 1 -- npx --no-install semantic-release -e semantic-release-monorepo

I have made sure the repo package.json as well as the package.json for every package has the correct repository url, My personal access token has permissions to repo and write and delete packages.

No matter what configs I change, the step fails with the following messages:

The command "git push --dry-run --no-verify https://[secure] HEAD:develop" failed with the error message remote: Repository not found. 26 fatal: repository '' not found.

The second message is

EGITNOPERMISSION: 'semantic-release cannot push the version tag to the branch develop on the remote Git repository with URL https://[secure]

Other things I have tried:

  • Adding scope="@xxx" to the setup-node step after reading GH docs that says "GitHub Packages only supports scoped npm packages"
  • According to semantic-release docs, I have tried setting GH_TOKEN, GITHUB_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN to every combination of my PAT or the GITHUB_TOKEN in secrets. I believe the docs say only PAT is supported. Also, NPM_TOKEN should not be required because using registry-url with the setup-node action creates an .npmrc file that uses NODE_AUTH_TOKEN by default.
  • There is an almost similar question here but adding .git to his repository url seems to have fixed it for him
  • Github docs say that I should be able to use a PAT or the GITHUB_TOKEN as the auth token in the .npmrc file, so that shouldn't be the issue

I've looked through the docs for semantic-release, semantic-release-monorepo, GitHub Actions, and GitHub Packages. If there is any additional information I need to include please let me know.


  • After some more trial and error, I discovered the cause. If my understanding is correct, a Github workflow will automatically use the available GITHUB_TOKEN secret to authenticate with Github during the step to checkout the repo using actions/checkout. It was then persisting the credentials from this step and reusing them for the step to publish packages, even though I was injecting a personal access token as an environment variable to that step.

    In the end, the fix was to use the persist-credentials option in step one like this

      - name: Checkout repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          persist-credentials: false

    And then using the personal access token to authenticate with GitHub in the last step like I noted I believed should be the correct method in my question, as semantic-release docs state only PAT authentication is supported.