join two mysql tables using typeorm-NestJs
where table 1(t1)
is normal table
& table 2(t2)
has a column which containts JSON data
now I need to join them based on ==
but I am getting error on that query
query I am using :-
const results = await this.connection.createQueryBuilder(ABCEntity,'t1')
.innerJoinAndMapMany('t1.Id',xyzEntity,'t2','t1.Id = t2.column_name.$.Id')
.where('t1.Id = :Id',{Id: id})
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Error I am getting :-
errno: 1064,
sqlMessage: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.Id WHERE `t1`.`Id` = 'b6D812aF-9e22-4a5a-a292-6rc5021bfv0a'' at line 1",
sqlState: '42000',
what worked for me was, everything in backticks for eg : `t1.Id = t2.column_name->'$.Id'
const results = await this.connection.createQueryBuilder(ABCEntity,'t1')
.innerJoinAndMapMany('t1.Id',xyzEntity,'t2',`t1.Id = t2.column_name->'$.Id'`)
.where('t1.Id = :Id',{Id: id})
.catch(err => console.log(err));