I want to fetch an URL and process the response in chunks of a defined size. I also don't want to block while waiting for the whole chunk to be available. Is something like this available in the Fetch API?
Example how it could look like:
const response = await fetch(url)
const reader = response.body.getReader()
const chunk = await reader.read(CHUNK_SIZE)
There is support in fetch() to be consumed like a stream. See MDN reference here. It appears that you need some boilerplate code for ReadableStream...
Code would like this:
const workOnChunk = (chunk) => { console.log("do-work")};
// Fetch your stuff
// Retrieve its body as ReadableStream
.then(response => response.body)
// Boilerplate for the stream - refactor it out in a common utility.
.then(rs => {
const reader = rs.getReader();
return new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await reader.read();
// When no more data needs to be consumed, break the reading
if (done) {
// Do your work: ¿¿ Checkout what value returns ¿¿
// Optionally append the value if you need the full blob later.
// Close the stream
// Create a new response out of the stream (can be avoided?)
.then(rs => new Response(rs))
// Create an object URL for the response
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => { console.log("Do something with full blob") }
NOTE: The nodejs-fetch API is not exactly the same. If you are on nodejs, see nodeje-fetch's stream support.