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How can i parse two different iso format in JPOS with two custom packager from one client

I am using JPOS for implement EFT switch. I have a client that depend on Bank bin send two different format of the ISO8583. How can i process all requests and response same type of request ISO.

I use this XML to config clients

<channel-adaptor name="cms-rx-tx" class="org.jpos.q2.iso.ChannelAdaptor">

    <channel class=""
        <property name="host" value=""/>
        <property name="port" value="xxxx"/>
        <property name="connect-timeout" value="15"/>


  • If you want to use the same port, you need a special Channel implementation that would override the 'getDynamicPackager' method. It's customary to use different ports for different packagers, though.