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How to post with async and await with HttpClient

I am writing a windows service to get some data from my database, then send it to my provider and get the response. I have some issues which make me simulate a console application to test my code.

Here is my code:

static async Task Main(string[] args)

public static DataSet dataAccess()
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();




    ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add("1", "token1");
    ds.Tables[0].Rows.Add("2", "token2");

    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("1", "t1", "v1");
    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("1", "t1", "v2");
    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("1", "t2", "v3");
    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("2", "t2", "v4");
    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("2", "t3", "v5");
    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("2", "t3", "v6");
    ds.Tables[1].Rows.Add("2", "t4", "v7");

    ds.Relations.Add("rel_token", ds.Tables[0].Columns["id"], ds.Tables[1].Columns["token_id"]);

    return ds;

private static async Task send()
    DataSet ds;
    DataTable dt;

    while (true)
            ds = dataAccess();

            if (ds == null)

            List<Task> lst = new List<Task>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                dt = dr.GetChildRows("rel_token").CopyToDataTable();

                lst.Add(send_call((dr["token"]).ToString(), dt));

            await Task.WhenAll(lst);
            await Task.Delay(30000);
        catch (HttpRequestException e)
            string erMsg = e.Message;

private static HttpClient req { get; set; }

private static async Task send_call(string strToken, DataTable dt)
        // DataTable to Json
        string strJson = "";

        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            if (dt.Rows.IndexOf(dr) > 0)
                strJson += ",";

            strJson += "{";

            foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                if (dr.IsNull(dc))

                if (dt.Columns.IndexOf(dc) > 0)
                    strJson += ",";

                strJson += string.Format("\"{0}\":{1}{2}{1}",
                        dc.DataType == typeof(string) || dc.DataType == typeof(Guid) ? "\"" : null,
                        dc.DataType == typeof(bool) ? dr[dc].ToString().ToLower() : dr[dc]);

            strJson += "}";

        req.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("token", strToken);

        StringContent sc = new StringContent(strJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
        HttpResponseMessage res = await req.PostAsync("my webhook url", sc);

        string response = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\responseJson.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8))
    catch (HttpRequestException e)
        string strError = e.Message;

Code explanation:

  • I want to post each token child data separately which in each call, header value is different.
  • Each time dataAccess() value is different, I just use a static data for simulation.


When I run the program I see no request in destination, so I start debugging and noticed the pointer will reach this line:

HttpResponseMessage res = await req.PostAsync("my webhook url", sc);

But the call wouldn't initiated and after that the pointer comes back at:

await Task.WhenAll(lst);

then comes to:


And finished!

So the PostAsync method didn't work and due to that response didn't fill so the responseJson.txt didn't created.

Things I have tried:

  • Instead of send(); I used await send(); but I faced this error:

System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

  • I have checked the strJson. The list converted to JSON properly.
  • I have checked my connection through another program, I could make call to my webhook url.

Note: I had asked this question yesterday but because I explained it complicatedly I deleted that today and design a smaller one.


  • Create the HttpClient before trying to use it, by using the new keyword.

    private static HttpClient req { get; set; } = new HttpClient();
    public async Task Main()
        await send();