So I had to include this part in one of our class projects. We were asked to create a quiz webpage with radios and checkboxes, and then to write a JavaScript function to validate the radios. Now, I know that these radios can be verified easily by individuals for loops for each group, but that doesn't sound practical when I have a large number of these groups in my code. So I tried the following code:-
function quizRadioFilled()
var check = false;
var c = 0;
var x = 0;
var radiob = [];
radiob[0] = document.getElementsByName('q1');
radiob[1] = document.getElementsByName('q2');
radiob[2] = document.getElementsByName('q3');
radiob[3] = document.getElementsByName('q4');
radiob[4] = document.getElementsByName('q5');
radiob[5] = document.getElementsByName('q9');
radiob[6] = document.getElementsByName('q10');
for(var i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
for(var j = 1; j <= radiob[i].length; j++)
c = 1;
if(c == 0)
check = false;
alert('Please attempt all the questions....');
I first stored the names of each group in an array. Then looped through this to validate each of these groups. I want to display the alert if a group has no radio button selected. But I am not getting the required result. Though I have completed this project now, I would still like to get this function to work. Kindly provide some suggestions.
to true anywhere, so it is always false.radiob[i]
is an array (or, more precisely, a NodeList), so radiob[i].checked
is always undefined.for (var j = 1; j <= radiob[i].length; j++)
loop is not correct.If you fix these problems then your function should work correctly.